Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How To Make Dongle Emulator

Where 'Panda?

'm pissed off about the FIAT! .. Twice! the first for that shit Marchionne, the second you see it up here.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Bleeding Gums With Veneers

December 25!

... Merry Christmas from my teddy bear! A kiss, Stefania.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Forum Gifs Denise Milani


I do not know what he means Gangaro this old saying, but the idea I have done. Maybe something to do with what is happening these days, something like: do not say cat if you do not have it in the bag.
If I can do a post dedicated to the Christmas greetings otherwise you will do now with what we sing these days: not c'-e 'a fuck to celebrate!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Intent To Vacate Apartment Letter Ca


Thanks for all your comments, I miss you so much and I wanted to tell you that there is nothing serious happened, we are all well and has been only one moment of my despair and disappointment, where each my desire, my every effort and all my attempts always goes to a bad end. But I have to go ahead and roll up their sleeves, to be able to realize my dreams, at least those working on because 'cupid love I have to wait that face his duty and did not hit more wrong! We hope that the 'year' will be better for everyone and that all our desires can be realized! Special thanks to my friend Francesca is always close to me in every moment of my life and thanks to Nadia for her sweet words! I now that you're all ready for Christmas and have made some beautiful creations, even though I made very few things I can not let you see, but I can show the 'commission that last a few days ago I gave to a neighbor .
and this is my very simple Christmas tree, decorated with chains, flowers and so many hearts, hoping to find a Christmas present 's love, let me dream, emotion, to the beat of my heart, be important to someone and build a future together. Since Cupid does not do anything, we hope that Santa Claus does something! ^____^
and finally I want to show my work published in the journal Women more creative Daniela Cerri of `the possibility to many of us to see published in his magazine one of our work by participating in the theme that offers every month and this is the case and casette! Ho realizzato un pannello da appendere in casa o come fuori-porta molto candido e romantico dai colori tenui, utilizzando organza, tulle, perle e come sempre tanta fantasia!!! Ieri sera sono riuscita a trovarla finalmente nel mio paese e quando ho sfogliato la rivista e visto la mia creazione e` stata pura felicita` e ci voleva proprio nella mia vita in questo momento. Non finirò mai di ringraziare Daniela che e` una persona splendida, gentile, meravigliosa dal cuore immenso!!! Grazie di Cuore.                                                                                                                 
There recommend buying the magazine because it is full of new projects step by step, curiosity, tips and lots of ideas! See you soon, a kiss Stefania

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mount And Blade Pink Hair

Old ladies in menopause and banchettari

The title of the post and not 'elegant and I apologize, but you get the idea what I'm doing this Period: I banchettaro the pitch of the Christmas market. I sell them in addition to the well known silk-screened T-shirts and bags also bags decorated with the cloth to the list, bring tobacco and wallets sewn by hand (the hand 'to Julia & Violet). All these objects belong, according to the rating of my old high school teacher, in the artistic category of "old stuff from the course for ladies in menopause" (sorry again).
Ps I know I have to draw '.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Free Merilyn Sakova Sets

the pen: Pilot G-TEC-C4

E 'the good Biro pilot G-tec etc.. etc.. I made her the bouquet of people up here. The design and 'was cut to the scanner, so if you're wondering where to put the pea love carlo the answer ': in the boxes.

PS A special greeting to my non-profit Manager Jack saying "Macaco."

Long White Trenchcoat Men's

Happy Smiley ...

... but so much sadness in my heart.
... for a little bit I will be absent from the blog. A kiss Stefania

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Can Abreva Prevent It Coming In

... powder 'silver.

Hello ... This morning I show you three wreaths that I have been commissioned by some people of my country and its ... I still have more to do, but I have to wait ... I hope to do it ... time flies and things to do are many. Cleaning supplies, gifts, decorate the house ... I guess, when I put out all the boxes and a six-foot tree ... with all those arms to be fitted for color ... rolling balls on the floor ... some breaks ... glitter everywhere ... and then the gift packages to fix all under the 'tree ... some are ready, others to be packed, others to be decided ... a garland to 'input, decorations scattered around the house .... angels, reindeer, stars and Christmas is ... too bad that my sister and my brother will not be here with us, Christmas is a family and they are my family ... now that I think I have to check the lights ... definitely do not work as every year ... ; ; future deliveries to those who have commissioned me, I hope they remain happy with the job done ... I work in order and leave me a few clues, the rest leave me decide ... fingers crossed!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Is Conditioner A Good Lubricant

penny post

This makes 100, the post on the blog. Celebrate quietly with a very classic "cat and the fox," a Yiddish tango "and a pirate with sheep valid for the next upcoming crib.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cheats Fir Pokemon Emerald On Itouch

Sometimes ...

... I create something for me. He was so time that I wanted an angel to put on the headboard of my bed ... to protect me under her wing big, white, white, works by bad dreams ... !!!^______^
Buona Domenica

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Matula Herbal Formula Philippines

warm atmosphere ...

I love garlands, so much that they are now also on the table!
These days I'm making a bit of wreaths on commission ... el and a garland of 'the other, to' sudden ... comes the 'inspiration for the Christmas table. I leave it all ... I take fabrics, ribbons, stars and began to create. After a little bit comes this beautiful mini-garland to use as a door-napkin lunch or Christmas dinner ... and that our guests can take home to use as decoration for your Christmas tree. I find delicious ... and I imagine the table already laid, in a warm friendly atmosphere on Christmas Day.

As soon as I finished the garlands I'll see ... ' I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening has finally stopped raining here! A kiss