Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Intent To Vacate Apartment Letter Ca


Thanks for all your comments, I miss you so much and I wanted to tell you that there is nothing serious happened, we are all well and has been only one moment of my despair and disappointment, where each my desire, my every effort and all my attempts always goes to a bad end. But I have to go ahead and roll up their sleeves, to be able to realize my dreams, at least those working on because 'cupid love I have to wait that face his duty and did not hit more wrong! We hope that the 'year' will be better for everyone and that all our desires can be realized! Special thanks to my friend Francesca is always close to me in every moment of my life and thanks to Nadia for her sweet words! I now that you're all ready for Christmas and have made some beautiful creations, even though I made very few things I can not let you see, but I can show the 'commission that last a few days ago I gave to a neighbor .
and this is my very simple Christmas tree, decorated with chains, flowers and so many hearts, hoping to find a Christmas present 's love, let me dream, emotion, to the beat of my heart, be important to someone and build a future together. Since Cupid does not do anything, we hope that Santa Claus does something! ^____^
and finally I want to show my work published in the journal Women more creative Daniela Cerri of `the possibility to many of us to see published in his magazine one of our work by participating in the theme that offers every month and this is the case and casette! Ho realizzato un pannello da appendere in casa o come fuori-porta molto candido e romantico dai colori tenui, utilizzando organza, tulle, perle e come sempre tanta fantasia!!! Ieri sera sono riuscita a trovarla finalmente nel mio paese e quando ho sfogliato la rivista e visto la mia creazione e` stata pura felicita` e ci voleva proprio nella mia vita in questo momento. Non finirò mai di ringraziare Daniela che e` una persona splendida, gentile, meravigliosa dal cuore immenso!!! Grazie di Cuore.                                                                                                                 
There recommend buying the magazine because it is full of new projects step by step, curiosity, tips and lots of ideas! See you soon, a kiss Stefania


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