Monday, August 30, 2010

Taking A Carnival Cruise For Spring Break


Today is August 30, I just finished arguing with a young lady who reminded me of the telecom bill that expires on August 30 and I just kept telling her that there was still time, I did not notice the time that has passed Yesterday was August, then I started to hear some music on the internet, vasco, ligabue, 883, and I came to mind when Gabriel was with the machine around with new drivers just out to listen, ready departure have passed away quidici years as a laugh, now I turn and see my children playing, the machine now has the CD and the cassette, and I am to be called chef, Mincio and 'WAS a flash, that bang though.
this morning so a little goes ostalgico but it will pass, I look at my Bocia already and I think the time has yet passed, the intense flavor and density pargonabile to fund future well-drawn every second, for signs that pot to cook my family growing up, I'm already licking his whiskers.
If time is running I run over him even if I am maybe more tired I want to win, now I have to go chase another hour has passed.


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