Monday, January 31, 2011

Do All Akas Have Probates?

Sal and Sal.

Hello! I signed a two-Sal organized by Sabrina and one from Julia. And here's what I made for the month of January for the Sal Crearstella Sabrina, a soft star!
while that for the Sal Decorate the 'tree of Julia, a ball dressed in red!
happy to do so I hope my match! A kiss, Stefania.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pokemon Plugs For Sale

The Journal of Pavia

Hello everyone.

What happens in Pavia: tell me? There is a portal talking about local news and I must say that it is designed well and is very complete. But there must also be a defect, what comes out every so often an article on national politics.
Obviously, I'm not saying they can not publish what they want, even if it does not seem to be the place to do it.
Okay publish them but at least in my opinion would just tell the facts. In fairness I invite you to read this article and then direct me if it's part or not?
I understand that politics can 'push to root, I still believe that journalism is another thing.
However, after this article, I politely requested a local portal that merely talk about local issues, I am writing in what I was brought to my comment " Hello, I'm sorry but it would be possible to avoid these items on a portal local news, please, are actually part of (from any party is expected to be). I think it is better to simply tell the facts. Thank you. "

Your comment for this article, "Democracy is the oligarchy goes " not 'approved
See our policy the comments are posted to more information. Thank you.

I also invite you to look at the policy, which refers you to a beautiful "

Sorry but the page you are looking for does not exist!
(Error 404) "

say that if the policy if there is homemade on the spot.

In conclusion I would say, Long live democracy, the real one of course that gives us the right to speak.

Monday, January 24, 2011

My Feces Is Dark Brown


I love the angels of every shape, size, color, material! So I created one, to take with me, a little pin to put on my white coat! I find it very sweet and I feel protected by her tenderness and warmth of her wings, so soft, white, and white! I wish you a good start to the week! A big kiss, Stefania.
today, there is the sun in the sky and in my heart ...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sbbj Maestro Card Can Be Used At

robe in mid

Things you do not see unfinished .. . but the blog so here's st'anteprima langue.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Best Antibiotics For Prostates

The first time ...

... I make a complete jewelry, starting with a ring bought in Switzerland, then everything is born, using swarovski faceted beads, faceted beads of colored glass beads and Crystal Renaissance gray. I'm especially amused and relaxed as he was making. Have you noticed the box gomitolini mignon, found last week in a flea market for antiques, I find them delicious!
A big kiss and thanks for your sweet comments! Stefania

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Small Red Lumps In Throat


Hello girls, I want to show the 'last garland I made during Christmas, but this is all mine! L 'I love, I find it beautiful and brilliant at the right point, delicate and elegant, in fact I love it, I'd be looking at it for hours! Feel good? ^________^
Good Friday, a big kiss! Stefania

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Real Vegina Hair Images

2 years AUTAUT357

The skyscrapers in the background are not mine i got them on the internet, all the rest of the sentence si.Compresa sborona. And 'person on the shirt that Autaut did for his first two years of occupazione.Domani & win big party with grappa, Music, popular bars and precisely: magliette.Se you want one let see tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Opening Remarks For Church Anniversary

Gifts ... but how many gifts!

sweet Hello, how are you? I'm fine, well past New Year 's epiphany, cleaned the house by Christmas decorations, guests at home for a few days, outings, visits to the crib so that the time has flown by without realizing. But now I want to resume their daily life, to create the sal and embroider a little bit cross-stitch, chiletto lose a few too many, difficult undertaking, but I try! Today I want to show the gifts that I made at Christmas all hand made and received from friends and relatives. Via the parade! Let's start from my dear friend Francesca who sent me so many wonders!
It is not this lovely little angel on my tree? Thank you very much Francesca!
While these are gifts from me to them, Francesca, Anna and Sarah, I'm glad that liked them so much! Francesca rose to a key ring all inspired by the old chandeliers once made of many drops of crystal.
For Anna, a handbag and jeans with angel all 'inside a pack of briefs.
As for Sarah, the youngest in the family puppy, a panel of good-night to put on his bed to wish him many, many sweet dreams!
And finally, lots of sweets for the whole family, yum yum ... yummy!
For my aunt Dany I made this bundle of dry branches, decorated with a red star fabric, cords and hearts! I got in a soft crocheted cotton hot, it warms me on the coldest days! ^_____^
This hand and my Aunt Rita, a drop in acrylic decoupage decorated with a sweet reindeer! I got so many good cakes made by his hands d 'oro! Thanks Auntie! Already gone, of course ^____^
To my mother I made a simple bracelet, made with a chain and a stone-colored faceted glass crystal iridescent because the bracelets that sell in the shop did not go well, very tight at the wrist, and so I decided to do it is to measure and was happy, she now has a bracelet to wear!
Accompanied by a handsome center-table for the Christmas holidays!
While I got this beautiful silver heart hammered hand, I can not wait 'time to take a chain to wear it! W hearts!
And I finally Car donated this beautiful white coat was a long time since I wanted it.
then pennies, a stocking of the Epiphany with many sweets and many messages, letters written from the heart e. .. A kiss, Stefania.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

remember the red man?

Remember the red man? (Do not remember if you can find it on the post of April 26, 2010) This over here and 'the carny where you can win, three swans = a red man. It 's a design
did a lot' of time ago and kept in reserve for moments like these where I do not have anything to update the blog (I'm doing other things that need to wait a little longer 'to end up on the internet).
The Panda is not yet ... Incidentally, if you happen to go to see movies of what happens at the gates of fiat in recent days.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cyrotherapy In Singapore

It is here!

's new year is here! Happy New Year! For 'tickets when I created a good omen for the new year for my friends, little thoughts for each of them, written fondly on cardboard and paper silver pearl ivory. The 'nice idea, their names written on the stars! Were most appreciated! But these cards are dedicated to all of you who fills my heart with joy, serenity and love with your comments, your e-mail. I also dedicate the event to those who enter my blog, who leaves a mark of his passing, my followers, who meet in this wonderful experience just begun! Thank you very much for everything you give to me! I wish you a wonderful year, in which all your wishes can become reality, full of joy, smiles, love and imagination!
Happy Birthday also to my dad, today is his birthday! With love, Stephanie.