Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Can I Play Basketball With Hemeroids



to make a move from France to Italy, we decided to entrust the job to the company Net Projects Ltd Sesto San Giovanni even better known on the internet

We relied, perhaps in a somewhat 'naive to the fact that this move had the Site in French and then used to this kind of trip.
We performed directly on the site so the site inspection and confirmed to carry the goods by phone, but things happened on the day of the move?

At the time of site inspection there was an estimated initial price of 3500 Euro + VAT and storage of goods to 220 Euro + VAT per 22m3, which was more than 2020 Euro + VAT. After you have uploaded your personal belongings in the truck and above all threatened to leave all the overruns, according to them, of course lobby of the building if not signed the recognition of excess. Nice surprise when you empty the Scattolon were for most semi-hollow. So obvious that we overcome the load and then the first rip-off price increase is not justified.
work there and 'seemed very professional and above all has been done very slowly and so the company has benefited from the redemption rights because to be able to retrieve our belongings (we had to temporarily store goods from them) we had to hear or pay or o you keep your stuff. Second scam.
In addition, the microwave oven and that 'have asked to be taken away (recorded during the site inspection) and reminded us several times and' was left in place and we had to arrange to sell it, because we could not take it in Italy.

to justify the initial price had made many site inspections (real) from France where the movers and 'estimated 22 m3 and the work carried out in great detail, showing that the initial charge was the correct one and maybe even a little' more as the price of the French market and 'generally higher in the Italian market. So this in no way justifies the price increase made later.

Upon receipt of the content of the move we have found that many items were damaged and mounted by personnel inexperienced Iniva ills on the spot, without a word invented by the mover of things we have said similar not to waste any time despite the exorbitant cost of labor. Third scam.

To give an example, here is a summary and not exhaustive list of observed damage:
Dresser: According damaged shelves in lower right.
Chest: Third damaged shelves in the lower left.
Chest: Fourth shelves damaged on the left and down.
place a mattress and a half dirty white. (See this a real crap)
Stay: 2 ports mounted on the contrary.
Living: Port broken glass (recorded on the spot). This broke the front of me.
Stay: glass door lock at the top missing.
Stay: Several new shots (white) and mobile furniture scratched up black lacato.
table unassembled to miss (in theory) of the bolts. Mobile
taken from the closet and then deposited into the cellar seriously damaged the right rear corner. Several
broken objects (glass, plates ...)

to the list of all of this, of course we tried to obtain reparation for the damage but only the table and the glass door we have been recognized.
And to further demonstrate the seriousness of this company, they took away the damaged port but after 3 months the change was not yet done so, we decided to deal with alone. We were then shown the door even more damaged than before, we did it change from a good glassblower and now we wait for the reimbursement of costs. But according to you or we will reimburse the fourth scam?

In sum, if you want to make your move, do it well there are many good companies who work seriously but avoid , A NIGHTMARE.


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