Saturday, April 17, 2010

Baby Turtle Bleeding From Anus


Sorry for the absence of these months, but between one thing and another I've had my fair between TODO: that the locnda is taking place, the children, some minor trouble with the health, fortunately resolved in an almost optimal and other hindrances of various kinds.
Anyway I'm back with juicy news, snow and winter are now ricodo a polenta and braised so many are at rest until the middle of the prosoma settenbre, but not desperate nature offers its delicious fruits such as asparagus, morels and morel mushrooms, basil, abruptly, flowers zuca peas and some more so on and so forth, there to indulge in short.
One of the most important, from my point of view, and a few weeks ago we began to bake, bread ebbne you do it at home, after many terrible and I ended tenativi trovto the right dose, bocconcini loaves and scones, to I'm Lavariano breadsticks.
Another novelty will be the brand new website we're building with photos, animation, the menu on the blackboard, The wine list, and several photos of the rooms, the real work in progress.
Regarding theme nights keep the next one is April 23 and as a "guest" will be the radicchio, if you care to see the menu go to facebook and look brinsc inn. Almost forgot
finally put me on the landline telecom gave us only four months to make me work, not bad what you say, the number is: 0332/435630
Well it all seems good for today, or rather what I remembered I have not forgotten, the next