Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Outlined Basketball History

Wow the Assumption and its bustle is forgotten now, but alas quet'anno was reduced to one week of intensive work, not the most beautiful three summer months or a year last the entire month of August, patience is now gone.
Then how do you say "I stagger, but do not give up", actually refers to something else but in this situation fits me perfectly. From
quste shares after the storm quieted the night the temperature was lowered significantly to Prosimii sroscio I guess a bit 'strong' Farewell Summer ", another thing I did predict this was the phone call earlier in GRAZIOLI my truffle " I hand the first truffles sound like an invitation to interest you ????" and then fold away like a nice three pound.
Emhhh .... I'm lost in it as the first valid truffles arrive after Defatted the first half of September with the first fresh and the first rains, we hope that bodes well because if you do another year like the past (few ugly and overcrowded) are in bad shape.
I hope that in September / October there is the long-awaited and longed-for economic recovery alrtimenti think tatrufo waste so much good and no one can afford it even once on a whim, all garbage would be a very great sin.
Apart from this I hope you consider my bucolic ringalluzzisca a bit 'in all fields or we wait a long, cold winter, warm us with grappa amen.
Excuse me but I can not do serious talk for more than seven or eight syllables. So let's recap
UNPO ': laripresa economic, high-quality truffles and mushrooms do not follow a wheel maybe a good year wine ...... Expect a wonderful autumn. HEALTH

Francesco Airoldi