Friday, June 26, 2009

Cross Wearing Undergarments

then 10 large eggs for kilo of flour, no oil or salt (not and a salad) and a vigorous mixed, an hour's rest and we are ready to make ravioli.

Today I chose to stuff them with a filling of the tail vaccinara , 4 hours of cooking it took to prepare it, then eggs, pepper and parmesan filling is ready.

The dough is silky smooth and soft to the right place, the thin sheets do not require water or egg to seal them, remove all the air and cutting with the wheel, you're done.

What do you say, that for a long time ago, the chef is sufficiently user-friendly package of ravioli, but it is here that falls your ass so far at least around here are still not able to find a restaurant that proposes a homemade ravioli, at worst bought the Metro, or some lucky chance in a pasta factory.

far as I'm concerned I have chosen the way home certainly more expensive and time consuming but definitely more satisfying to the palate.
Francesco Airoldi

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

White Particles In Dogs Urine

Eila !!!!, should be sritto with h (ACCA) ITALIAN but I like my kitchen and so I do not like the Sleng (write how to eat).

Today is my day closing Wednesday ......... that ass, I just finished the kitchen to turn the weekly cleaning, hood, oven, stove and all the tables and a large groomed to pavimento.UN GREAT DAY OF REST.

miacollaboratrice Today has been fantastic to me and never indulged in all the huffing or menon never let me out, also because sometimes I deserve more than a vafffffffa.

Tonight maybe we're free pizza by the lake and then to bed and tomorrow we start again.

Airoldi francesco

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Xblade シリアル

hello, I
Airoldi name is Francis and I was born in Saronno on 25/12/1976.
I cook for almost 17 years of experience in Italy and then the Board about the etheric is prartito Capodarte chef and finally at the end of the second level and here I am owner of my first restaurant my torc, or more precisely "ur torc restaurant ".
I decided to open envi blog to communicate with all those who want to vent or give advice insult (fairly) modern kitchen and dining.
And after this little introduction to tell you ............. WELCOME!

Hard Stool From Puppy